Ira Gollobin papers, 1945-1990.


Ira Gollobin papers, 1945-1990.

The Ira Gollobin papers consist of client files containing correspondence and related material concerning Maud Russell; Chinese warlord Feng Yu-Hsiang; Epifanio San Juan Jr.; José Diokno; and William Pomeroy, a leader of the Hukbalahap insurrection in the Philippines; as well as research files containing printed matter and notes concerning the Philippines.

1.5 linear feet (3 boxes).

Related Entities

There are 6 Entities related to this resource.

Russell, Maud, 1893-1989 (person)

Feng, Yuxiang, 1882-1948 (person)

Diokno, Jose W. (person)

Pomeroy, William J., 1916-.... (person)

Gollobin, Ira, 1911- (person)

Ira Gollobin, an immigration rights attorney and author, served as pro bono counselor to refugees from all over the world including Nazi Germany and Duvalierist Haiti. His work with Haitian refugees, the purview of this collection, began in 1974. In this capacity he served as lead counsel on several major cases that were pivotal to the rights of Haitian refugees, the so-called "boat people." Gollobin's critical role as lead counsel was as important as his active role in developing grassroots org...

San Juan, E. (Epifanio), 1938- (person)

Epifanio San Juan (1938- ), also known E. San Juan, Jr. is a well-known Filipino American literary scholar, poet and activist, and the author of numerous books on race and cultural studies. A graduate of Harvard University, he has taught English, literature, and cultural studies at universities in the United States, the Philippines, Taiwan and Europe; he was also director of the Philippines Cultural Studies Center in Storrs, Connecticut, and chairman of the Department of Comparative American Cul...